I am happy and grateful that I have been blessed with such an amazing experience.

The location was breathtaking!

Loved the yoga sessions, truly enjoyed the meditation aspect of it and the adventure side as well.

We were a fantastic group and has an amazing instructor which made this experience even more special.

Elena was great at explaining the poses and breathing and the fact that we were building up the practice from one session to the next. Elena’s calming and soothing voice with perfect teaching skills were truly inspiring.

Really enjoyed the meditation sessions, being read sections from the book. Loved the yoga, sauna and hiking.

Elena, you’re truly an inspiring person. Loved your positive energy and beautiful aura. You are amazing and I’m so glad I attended this retreat!

I can’t wait til I’m back for another Sparkling Yoga retreat. Will totally recommend it to all the people I know.

I have truly enjoyed this. Thank you!!

This trip is truly one to remember – thank you!

It was so much more than I could hoped for or dream of. Beautiful location, great food and most importantly from a very enjoyable atmosphere, lovely program with yoga + outdoor activities, great and inspiring group of yogis.

Yet still, plenty of time to relax, rest in calmness, reflect on life’s important questions. So thank you from my heart – I feel grounded and rejuvenated – for me it’s a perfect active vacation in beautiful Norway.


Practical feedback: instructions always really great, beautiful and calming voice + love the reads from the book you shared.

Loved twice a day yoga sessions and the flexibility it offered for other activities.

Great location, lovely food!

I love it! Every time I come back to your retreats!

It is always different… and every time it’s a life changing experience.

I have no idea how this experience will shape my life and my future but I’m sure it will have a huge positive impact on my life, like it always had. Looking forward!

Dear Elena, thank you very much for creating such a nice retreat in Norway. I know and can only imagine how much love you put into to it to create such a beautiful and magical experience!

Thankful for this retreat from the bottom of my heart.

Practical feedback: great yoga classes and level for all participants, gradually building step by step was top!

I enjoyed everything: the venue, room, nature, food, exercise. Wouldn’t mind staying longer!!

Magical experience! Great classes no matter which level in yoga you have reached. I enjoyed everything: the location, venue, room, food, and exercising! I am feeling thankful for this retreat from the bottom of my heart.

Everything adapted to be perfect, as always!

After this, I am inspired to book my fourth Yoga retreat with you! Thank you for everything Elena!

Really great yoga sessions! Good challenging flows with sufficient time to rest and also free time. I learned a lot about myofascial release.

Great balance of yoga and free time. Lots of amazing other activities.

All practical things were excellent.

Thank you, Elena!

Elena creates a very good atmosphere in which she challenges participants in many ways. Great location, amazing food and a very peaceful and quiet place to stay in! Thank you!

After my friend’s recommendation, I decided to join one of Elena’s retreats in Norway.

Elena is a gentle soul that will encourage you to go forward just a little bit further. Her kind and gentle words nudge you towards your inner knowing.

I especially enjoyed the combination of different yoga styles, like hatha yoga, yoga nidra, and meditation.

In a nutshell: amazing retreat. Perfect teacher – wise elder. I loved every moment. Thank you.

At a Sparkling Yoga Retreat, you have guaranteed that your yoga practice will improve, whatever your level is. You will find challenging asanas, sore muscles, hypnotic restorative yoga nidra sessions, inspiring meditations and classes with a perfect balance between thoughtfulness and play.

Elena has an astonishing ability to adapt the class to every single practitioner needs, a gift that stems from her deep understanding of our minds and bodies.

You will delight in healthy and tasty food, an astounding Nature, adventures in a fairy tale environment, and on top of that an inspiring group of people among whom you can have space to be on your own but also, literally, you will find friends for a lifetime, … no idea of how she manages to create this atmosphere, but it keeps being better and better with every retreat.

There is all of this and much more in an Elena’s retreat, it’s a given. But the magic is hidden in its slogan “Yoga Adventure of a Lifetime”. If you allow a Sparkling retreat to nourish your soul, your life will not be the same. With Elena, you know where your path starts but, fortunately, not when it ends.

Thank you so much for a “NOT once in a lifetime experience”, but for a “lifetime experience”!

First of all I would like to thank you for making this yoga retreat so special and much more than just a regular retreat. You have put so much passion, dedication and love in it that the spark leaped over to every single participant. You teach from the heart and one can see that yoga is not only what you do for a living but actually your life.
Your optimism is unbreakable and even if you are making us sweat and stay on the mat in hard position, you have the gift of making us feel good doing it. Therefore one feels great after every class of yours, because one was able to overcome inner demons and transform them into lightness.

Your classes are perfectly well structured and balanced. I especially like that you always give some more challenging options for the advanced yogis. I enjoyed every single yoga class and thought that the themes were wisely chosen. And the warm hands on of Cristina were a real surprise for me. She made us go even deeper into the poses or stretched us exactly where we would need it.

Besides your teaching skills I think you have a massive talent in finding hidden gems all over the world. The Norway location in the mountains next to the Fjord could not have been any more spectacular in any way. And among the people you bring together in your retreats there is a great potential of finding some new friends for a lifetime.

This retreat has changed me in many ways and you definitely got me hooked for many more retreats to come.

My sincerest gratitude,
